J and M's school is having an indoor yardsale on My 8th and I'm thinking about buying a spot. I'd like to try and sell some of the wreaths and eggs that I'm making. So here's where I need your thoughts. I'd like some feed back on if you think it's a good idea and if you think $12 is a good price for the wreaths. Mostly I just enjoy making them, have A LOT of springs to work with and can only display so many in our home. LOL
I'm tossing around some ideas to make some of the wreaths "summery" as well. (and even planning WAY ahead for the fall and winter) So please be honest... I trust you all to give me some honest feedback. I want to sell them.... if you have suggestions for them please feel free to suggest away and if you have thoughts on a fair price that will help move them out of my home.
(I can get a little addicted to something like this
and end up with A LOT of them
so I promised Rob I'd try to find new homes for them.)
Thanks bunches!
It's All Good