Monday, March 22, 2010

Coming up soon

Last week I headed out to pick up the two oldest kids from school early and stopped by Walmart. I only had 20 minutes and I had the girls (my nieces ages 2 and 3) with me. I was on a mission and I found some beautiful ribbons and even some nests on clearance. After picking up the kids at school I called Rob (the man is a saint) and asked if he'd be home to meet the two boys when they got off the school bus. Could I find MORE ribbons at Michaels? So off to Michaels we headed. Not only did I find some MORE ribbons but also:

small eggs to decoupage

a LARGE egg to decoupage

3 of THESE

and 1 of these to go with a headband I also found

I'm not even going to mention the rest of the treasures we found such as the decorative papers.
It was way too easy to bring all of these little lovelies home with me.
OH and the 3 ceramic birds.
Wait 'til you see them in an upcoming blog entry.
I have been too inspired by so many creative women out there in blog world and for some insane reason I think I need to recreate ALL of their creations for our home.
But WAIT until you see them.They really are quite lovely.
Now that I have this blog it is JUST the motivation I need to follow through.


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1 comment:

  1. Once the crafting bug hits, you're done for! I can't walk in to a craft store without coming home with something, and yarn stores are much worse.
